Have Some Fun!

Do you find it hard to stick to an exercise program? Do you dread heading to the gym or a class? If so, you might need to reconsider your physical activities.

Being physically fit isn’t just all about pumping iron or running. Don’t get me wrong, strength training and cardio workouts have definite benefits and I encourage you to make them part of your routine. However, if you dread doing both of them how long will you sustain the willpower to keep up with your commitment?

Ever thought about taking a dance class? What about learning a form of martial arts? Or do you enjoy a particular sport? Many recreational centers and universities offer classes and even sport leagues for you to join. This is not only a great way to get active, but also opens opportunities for you to make friendships with people outside of your normal circle.

Let’s face it, we all make time for the things we enjoy and find excuses to avoid the things we don’t.

Take a couple days a week and do the things you enjoy, then fill in the other days with strength and cardio enhancing exercises. I think you’ll find a new appreciation for physical activity and learn to not dread the other typical exercise routines so much.

Is it Possible to Enjoy Exercising?

Why do you avoid exercising? Is it because the thought of lacing up a pair of running shoes brings back awful memories of running laps in gym class? Or is it because you think surely everyone else in the exercise class already knows the routines and you will stick out like a sore thumb?

Whatever the reason is that you are avoiding exercise, I’d like to challenge you to take a different look at what it means to exercise.

Exercise shouldn’t be associated with negative feelings. If it is, you need to find a new method of exercising.

Consider this…
• if your goal is to increase upper body strength but you don’t like traditional weight lifting activities, look for a climbing wall near you
• if taking a class seems intimidating, hook up with a personal trainer to build your confidence
• if you like the outdoors a great way to get exercise is to go on a nature hike or canoe down the river
• if you want to improve your cardiovascular health consider activities like cycling or swimming over running

The bottom line is there are countless ways that you can spend 30 minutes a day getting exercise. Take the time to find an activity that you enjoy and you’ll not only find it easier to stick to your program, you’ll see results.