Grab a Partner

Do you prefer to do things alone or do you like to be with others? Does going at it solo or using a group approach impact your success?

When it comes to exercise accountability is a major factor. Many people have a hard time creating a sense of accountability on their own. If you are in a program by yourself, only you really know if you cheat on your diet or skip a workout. Often times this doesn’t have much of a negative impact. Certainly you might feel bad about it, but in the long run it might not mean much.

By creating an accountability relationship with your diet and exercise program you have a greater reason to stick to your commitments that just yourself – you have the potential to let someone else down. None of us like the feeling of doing that.

One thing that we ALL like the feeling of is picking someone up! So look at it from the other side, your friend or spouse calls you and says; “I just don’t feel like doing this today. I need a rain check.”

This is a perfect opportunity for you to open a dialog with them and find out the root of their reason for not wanting to stick with the program. Maybe they really have something going on and need help through it. Or maybe it’s just that they “just don’t feel like it.” In either case, you have an opportunity to really step up to be an encouragement to your accountability partner.

Let’s face it – we all need a little kick in the behind sometimes. Find yourself a friend or ask your spouse to be your accountability partner. Sit down and create some guidelines for your relationship in relation to your diet and exercise goals. Then work to help each other remain true to the things you are setting out to accomplish.

I think you’ll find working with an accountability partner to be a true benefit to your program. Not to mention the growth you will see in your personal relationship with that person.

Who’s going to be your partner?

Is it Possible to Enjoy Exercising?

Why do you avoid exercising? Is it because the thought of lacing up a pair of running shoes brings back awful memories of running laps in gym class? Or is it because you think surely everyone else in the exercise class already knows the routines and you will stick out like a sore thumb?

Whatever the reason is that you are avoiding exercise, I’d like to challenge you to take a different look at what it means to exercise.

Exercise shouldn’t be associated with negative feelings. If it is, you need to find a new method of exercising.

Consider this…
• if your goal is to increase upper body strength but you don’t like traditional weight lifting activities, look for a climbing wall near you
• if taking a class seems intimidating, hook up with a personal trainer to build your confidence
• if you like the outdoors a great way to get exercise is to go on a nature hike or canoe down the river
• if you want to improve your cardiovascular health consider activities like cycling or swimming over running

The bottom line is there are countless ways that you can spend 30 minutes a day getting exercise. Take the time to find an activity that you enjoy and you’ll not only find it easier to stick to your program, you’ll see results.