How do you improve? Step out of your comfort zone. That’s just what I did.

This past weekend I stepped entirely out of my comfort zone.

I felt like throwing up the entire time.

When was the last time you pushed past your comfort zone?

When was the last time you pushed past your comfort zone?

You see for months, my husband and others have been advising me to do online videos of exercises and post them.

I’ve resisted. I didn’t want to be on camera. I didn’t think the amount of time it would take me to film, edit and post would provide me a return on my investment.

But after attending a weekend fitness conference I realized that if I am going to grow my business, I have to be willing to step outside of my comfort zone and try new things.

So last weekend we filmed a series of 25 exercises, with the intention of posting 5 every day along with guidance on how to complete the workout.

Will my efforts pay off? Will people actually benefit from the videos? Will they not only benefit from them but see the value in attending my classes or hiring me as a trainer? It’s entirely too early to answer any of those questions.

But what I can tell you is I’m willing to take a chance, at least for a while, to see how this might help me grow as a person and as a trainer and instructor.

I’m passionate about health and fitness and for me to succeed I’m going to have to be willing to take a risk.

So I ask you, what are you passionate about? What risks are you willing to take to be successful?





What Does It Mean to Hire a Virtual Trainer?

Two of the greatest factors preventing many people from engaging in a fitness program are time and money.

Time becomes a factor because classes or training sessions are only offered during specific times. Between family and home obligations and work, sometimes it seems impossible to do it all.

Money is especially a factor when it comes to personal training – despite the benefits, it just doesn’t fit the budget for a number of people.

Which got me thinking…how can I make time and money less of an obstacle for those wishing to pursue a healthier lifestyle? The answer: virtual personal training.

Work with a trainer from your own home

Work with a trainer from your own home

By working ‘virtually’ with a trainer (ME!) you can do workouts on your own schedule, at a more affordable rate than personal training sessions.

Here’s how it works:

1. We set up a time to talk about your:

  • Health goals
  • Current fitness level
  • Availability to complete workouts (duration per day and the number of days per week) *NOTE: pricing will vary depending on the number and the duration of workouts
  • Access to equipment (either at home or at a gym

2. I create a unique plan for you based on our discussion that includes:

  • Written workouts detailing the number of repetitions and suggested equipment
  • Video examples of each exercise delivered through my YouTube channel on a playlist specifically created for you

3. You complete the workouts and we chat throughout the month via email, phone or FaceBook. You will also have the option to join a private FaceBook group specifically for my personal training clients.

I’d love to talk with you more about how this program can work for you. Contact me today to set up your initial assessment.

Fitness During Pregnancy

As a group fitness instructor and personal trainer I come across a people in various stages of life. Some are young, trying to figure out who they are personally and professionally, some are dealing with injuries and trying to stay fit while healing, some are more mature and have great perspective on life and fitness.

I have been so inspired by Colleen, she is a working mom with two young children and pregnant with her third. Throughout her pregnancy she has stayed committed to fitness and has met every workout with the same commitment as she did pre-pregnancy. I’m thankful today to be able to share her fitness story with you…


It's Possible to Stay FIT While Pregnant

It’s Possible to Stay FIT While Pregnant

by Colleen Kendrick Fairbanks

Jenn so kindly asked me to share my fitness story as a result of watching me exercise through my most recent pregnancy. Since the time of Jenn’s request, I’ve spent considerable time procrastinating and mulling over in my mind what exactly “My Fitness Story” means to me.

Here’s the deal. I don’t think I have a fitness story, because I don’t consider myself “fit.” A few of the many reasons that came to mind as I analyzed my difficulty in completing this task was that I’ve historically held very high standards for myself as well as I’ve lived with lifelong anxiety about proclaiming my strengths for fear of being called out by others on the contrary.  So, while I exercise regularly, I feel like I could be doing more. While I’ve made changes to my eating habits, I know that I could do more. I don’t have the physique of someone that others would determine as “fit” from just a visual assessment.  I know in my heart that I’ve made significant strides towards building a healthier lifestyle but I’m not sure I feel qualified enough to serve as a role model to others on how to live a fit life.

That’s not to say I’m a lost cause when it comes to building up my fitness related self-esteem. I’m a constant work in progress. When I get down on myself believing that I haven’t done enough, I stop and think about where I would be if I hadn’t made any of the changes I’ve implemented to strive towards a living a fitter life. Only now, as a result of being pregnant with my third child and seeing the difference in how my body has responded to carrying this baby and associated weight gain, as opposed to my other two pregnancies, am I now starting to slowly entertain the idea that I was at a pretty fit pre-pregnancy level.  I have no idea what it will take for me to feel fully confident in sharing my fitness achievements or when and if I won’t care about other’s opinions or assessments of me, but I do know that I will continue to exercise and work on providing my body with nourishing food because above all else, it makes me feel good.


Keep up the amazing work, Colleen – and that baby is DEFINITELY born to do burpees!!

New Kind of Date Night in Lombard

I don’t know about you but when the weekend rolls around I am always looking for something fun to do. Eating out, bowling, drinks, etc. – it all kind of seems the same after a while. So that got me thinking…what can I do to start the weekend off in a fun way?


FitFriday Flyer

Start your weekend out right!

Grab a friend or your significant other and join me at CustomFit on March 13th at 7:00pm for a fun partner workout. This is a great chance to burn some calories in preparation for the fun weekend ahead, all while having a good time.

The cost is just $10/person and rumor has it people are already planning to head out for a cocktail afterwards!

Space is limited so you can pre-register by emailing me or calling 574-387-1344.

Personal Training By Jenn Market Research

I recently finished reading the book called, ‘Do the Work,’ by Steven Pressfield and my mind hasn’t stopped reeling ever since.

In some ways, the book put me on blast. If fitness is truly my passion, and helping others discover healthy living is my mission, then it’s time to ‘Do the Work’ to start helping and serving more people.

So in moving forward, and discovering how I can better serve both those in my community and beyond, I want to strategically plan my next moves so that they match the needs of the people I want to help most.

Two hands

Take a few moments to tell me how I can better help you.

In looking at my target audience I have to be true to myself and to those I can best serve which are busy women. After all, am a busy woman! I know what it’s like to run out of the house for work and look back only to see dishes piled high and laundry needing to be put away. I know what it’s like to try and get in a workout between helping with homework and diffusing sibling disagreements. I know what it’s like to realize I haven’t planned a single thing for dinner and it’s already 6pm.

And while I can identify with women on so many levels, we are all unique individuals and we all have different priorities and roadblocks that keep us from our goals.

I’ve worked with a partner to design this survey in the hopes that it will help gather the important information beyond just the fitness. True health involves so much more than just being able to put in time at the gym.

This survey contains some quick questions about you and your health priorities. It will only take a few moments to complete and will greatly help me in determining next steps for helping women become stronger in all aspects of their lives.

Click here to complete the survey.

If this survey sparks something in you and you want to talk personally about your goals and roadblocks, drop me an email or give me a call. I’d love to chat with you about your unique needs and desires and what the first steps might be in helping you achieve them.

New KidFit Class in Lombard

Over the past few months I’ve had the pleasure to lead the KidFit classes at CustomFit in Lombard.

During this time I have witnessed the children grow both in physical strength and abilities but also in their self-confidence and teamwork skills.

The classes focus on teaching the children easy ways to stay active and stress the importance of healthy living.

I feel now is the perfect time to add to the class offerings for KidFit and starting Wednesday, March 4th, KidFit will meet from 4:30 – 5:15pm at CustomFit.

The format of this class will be slightly different in that rather than completing interval training, circuit workouts and team relay activities, the students will be engaged in a series of Pilates and Yoga exercises designed to increase flexibility and core strength.

Classes are open to all children ages 8 – 13 and cost $125 for a 10 class punchcard. Classes meet Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 4:30 – 5:15pm.

KidFit classes are filling quickly so please contact me via email or by calling 574-387-1344 to reserve your child’s spot.

KidFit Flyer

Active kids grow to be healthy active adults

Lombard Fitness Fair, Saturday, February 28th

I’m so excited to announce that I will be presenting the CustomFit KidFit program this Saturday, February 28th at the Lombard Fitness Fair at Yorktown Mall!

Over the past few months I have met some great kiddos who are having fun staying active. We meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 – 5:15 and do everything from partner exercises, to relay races, to agility challenges to PiYo! Each class is different and the children have the opportunity to share ideas on activities they would like to do in future classes.

In addition to the physical activities, I take the time to talk about healthy choices, educate about the various muscle groups, and promote ideas for staying active outside of class.

Here’s what one KidFit mom had to say about her son’s experience:

Our son, Michael, started KidFit with Jenn in December of 2014. We noticed that with the onset of cold weather he needed some additional exercise and discovered KidFit. From Day 1 he LOVED going to this class. Jenn has the kids play games he loves and also the opportunity to use some of the “grown up” equipment that he thinks is very cool (like the bosu, heavy ropes, etc) while working up a serious sweat. The punch card is a huge plus for our busy family since we also have other commitments throughout the week (that vary from season to season). Since basketball season has begun we’ve noticed that Michael is more coordinated, has more endurance, and is in better shape than he has been in the past. I mentioned it to our pediatrician as well, and he was thrilled that Michael was attending a class like this. Jenn is great to work with as well. She’s patient and firm with the kids while also being open and accessible to the entire family.

It’s been a pleasure for me to watch my students grow over the past few months. They have not only made physical gains, but personal growth as well which is evident in their self-confidence in taking on challenges.

Please join me on Saturday, February 28th at 11:20 at Yorktown Mall to see what KidFit is all about. I’m going to be looking for kiddos ages 8 – 13 to come up on stage and have some fun!

To learn more about KidFit drop me a line or give me a call at 574-387-1344.

kidfit-by-jenn copy

5 Steps to Achieving Change

Not that long ago I decided it was time to go old-school again when dealing with my schedule. As a group fitness instructor and personal trainer I have pockets of ‘free-time’ throughout my day. It’s not necessarily ‘free-time’ because there’s always laundry to be done, rooms to be cleaned or vacuumed, articles and fitness related materials to sift through, etc. But I was finding that those pockets of time would pass and I would be left wondering what happened to my day.

In addition to what happens in the gym, I need to devote time to writing blog posts, learning new choreography to workouts, marketing my classes and services, studying for my nutrition certification, writing class sets…I’m sure you get the idea.

So off I went to the office store and bought myself one of those hideous planners. Mine breaks down each day of the week from 7am to 8pm and has monthly calendars to see the big picture. At the beginning of each week I sit down and write in my class schedules, along with any appointments and what I’m left with is my ‘free-time.’

Now certainly, I will have no problem filling those time slots. I’ve got more than enough ‘to-do’ items to keep me busy beyond the hours in the day. But I was recently challenged during a message at church about how to fill those time slots.

Let me take just a moment to share that message with you, and then I will give you the 5 steps that will help you to get serious about what is on your calendar and how you can make changes.

It’s not mystery that we are all too busy. In fact, ‘I don’t have time,’ is one of the biggest reasons I hear from people who don’t exercise.

But the challenge set forth in this message was, ‘Who do you want to be?’ Do you want to be a better mom? Do you want to have a closer relationship with God? Do you want to kick an addiction? Do you want to get fit?

Whatever that is, whatever person you want to be is going to take commitment, it’s going to take time, and it’s going to require changes. You can’t expect to keep doing life the same way you have been and instantly be a better mom, who has a closer relationship with God and has kicked an addiction all while getting fit.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m certainly not suggesting that you tackle that many things at once. But I do want to take you a bit through how to get real about your calendar and your commitments so that you can start to become that person you most want to be. I will be using fitness as an example, but you can use these same 5 things to assess where you are and how to get to where you want to be.

5 Ways to Change

Don’t blow off important changes because you don’t have time.

1. Who do YOU want to be?

This is a question only you can answer. What is it about your weight or your fitness level that you want to change? Throw out all the images from television and magazines, take some time and look in the mirror and decide what will make you happy.

2. What’s the first step?

Don’t get caught up in the details, every journey starts somewhere. Maybe the first step for you is finding a time everyday to take a 30 minute walk. Maybe your first step is raiding your pantry to dump the junk. Maybe your first step is to take a fitness class or hire a trainer. Identify what the first step is and give yourself a deadline this week to get it done. You might not be able to actually accomplish that first step this week, but you can certainly assign a deadline.

3. What sacrifices are you willing to make?

Change is going to require sacrifice. You can’t expect to get fit by working out 2 times a week for 30 minutes. You can’t expect to drop weight eating junk food late at night. Be realistic, but recognize that you are going to need to make changes. Whether it’s modifying behaviors to drop old habits, or carving out time in your schedule to develop new ones, something is going to have to be different from today on.

4. What stands in your way?

Truly identify what your biggest excuse is…money, time, other people? If it’s money, look at your budget. You might be able to cut costs. If you can’t, check out YouTube – there are a ton of free workouts available that you can do out of your own home. If you have cable, flip through OnDemand, again plenty of choices. I can’t guarantee the quality of them, but my point is you don’t have to have an expensive gym membership to get fit. In fact, check out how many body weight exercises you can do without ANY equipment! Maybe it’s time. Listen, the fact is you are going to have to make time for yourself if you want to become that person you defined when looking in the mirror. There is no way to get around it – you have to put in the time to see the results. And if it’s a person or group of friends that are holding you back, evaluate those relationships. Are they healthy for you? I’m not saying dump them all together, just make sure you surround yourself with people who build you up not tear you down.

5. Write it down and make it happen!

Whether it’s an old-school planner like mine or on your phone, start making appointments for how you are going to get there. Write your goals down and map out your success. And don’t just pencil them in…use permanent marker! If it’s time to help you become a better you, there is nothing in the world more important than setting that appointment and following through with it.


I want to emphasize to you that while I used fitness as an example in this blog if there is something in your life pulling at your heart, figure out how to change it and start to schedule it! One person I know just set a date night with his wife for every week, another person I know started a morning coffee one time a week with her girlfriends, and someone else decided the most important thing was to spend individual time with his children.

I write this blog because I want to encourage my readers. Not every day is going to be perfect, and for me today was a great example of that. This blog was supposed to be written about 8 hours ago according to my ‘schedule.’ It didn’t happen at the exact time it was supposed to, but I committed to myself that I would write it today. Writing this to share with you is part of what is helping me to be who I want to be, and I’m cheating myself, and maybe others, if I just blow it off because I didn’t have time.

Who do you want to be?

Fitness and Finding the Right Fit

While I’m not a huge fan of moving, I am thankful of all of the great people that I have met in the various places we’ve lived. Cori Johnson is definitely one of those people. While we haven’t lived in Indianapolis for many years now, Cori and I have kept in touch over the years and have most recently been challenging each other with building our businesses. Each week we try and set goals and make each other accountable for accomplishing them.

You might wonder why I would want to promote someone else’s business on my blog and the answer is easy, we both want better health for those around us. Ultimately, I think that can be accomplished better by promoting the good things out there because as I have said, I don’t believe that fitness is a one size fits all deal. The more resources that people have available, the more likely they are to find what works for them.

There are so many things that I respect about her and her business: her counseling background enables her to coach women through the tough times to empower them in her journey, she knows the challenge of feeding a family with a healthy diet (sign up for her weekly menus), she has overcome injury setbacks to find programs that work for her, and overall, she is just one of the most positive people I know.

Image of Cori Johnson

I’m not letting “getting older” be my excuse for slowing down.

Stronger Than you Think

Cori Johnson

To be honest, I didn’t realize I had a “fitness story.” I have loved being active and moving ever since I was a kid. My parents weren’t exactly elite athletes, but I grew up in a household that valued good health in the most organic, natural way: we essentially were taught to eat right and enjoy the outdoors. We camped a lot. We hiked, went skiing, canoeing, white water rafting. I’m eternally grateful for what they taught me about the magic of just being outdoors and all that it has to offer.
My parents also supported our endeavors into sports. I began playing soccer at age five, and played through freshman year of high school. My high school didn’t have a girls’ team at that time, so I played freshman year with the boys. When I was told, “You’ll never play varsity because you might get hurt,” I suppose I could have put up a fight, for the betterment of all future female athletes. I wish I could say I did, but I didn’t. I quit and put more energy into running.

I first ran track in middle school and fell in love with running. I have always loved that running is available to everyone. I once saw a great quote that read something along the lines of, “There are country clubs you can’t get into, there are gyms you can’t afford, but the road is always open.” I love that. All you need to be a runner is a pair of shoes (and really, shoes are technically optional, we’ve since learned).

So, you may be thinking, “She’s been active since she was a kid. Fitness comes easily to her and she’s certainly never struggled with her weight.” You’d be wrong.

I am here to tell you, the phrase, “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet” is something I’ve had to learn the hard way. College shenanigans taught me that. I put on the dreaded freshman 25 (I’m an overachiever, I went for 25 instead of 15), and from age 18 until just a few years ago, maintaining a weight that I felt good about was a huge struggle.

I do pursue the rush of exercise. I love to move and be active. I love to try new forms of exercise- not because it’s trendy and I think it will be the answer to my weight issue, but because I love to see how my body will respond.

Nutritionally, I’ve been a train wreck. Although my parents planted a huge garden every summer, and we’d eat fresh fruits and vegetables from July through August, then canned and frozen the remainder of the year, I still am a child of the 80’s. What that means: processed garbage and horrible information about nutrition. Right when I was hitting puberty, we were suddenly given access to vast amounts of ‘fake food’ in our grocery stores, and being told that fat was bad. My passion for sports kept me ahead of the game through high school- I didn’t gain weight, but I also didn’t feel great. In college, I still worked out, but just ate much more of the fake food, plus my share of beer, plus the off-hours college kids keep, and the pounds came on.

Without going too far into my nutrition, which really is a story for another day, I’ll just simply share where I am now where fitness is concerned.

At 42, I can say with total honesty that I have never been fitter and healthier. I attribute that to Beachbody programs, Shakeology, and sharing this journey with like-minded people.

Here’s the deal… I ran for 25+ years. I ran more half marathons that I can count. I spent three summers training to run a marathon. Each summer I went out with an injury prior to getting to the start line of the marathon. I have spent more time in physical therapy and sports medicine offices than I care to remember… all from running injuries. Hamstring injuries, knee injuries, ankle injuries.

Three years ago, when I was playing soccer with my oldest and in my third attempt to train for a marathon, we connected ankle to ankle, and I suffered the most damage. For a full year afterwards, I couldn’t run without pain. But I knew I had to do something to stay active, and I was 100% certain nothing would fulfill the rush I got from running. I was totally wrong.
At that time, I decided to “retire” from running and try something new. I began with P90X. That was over three years ago, and since that time, I have never NOT been doing a Beachbody program of some sort. And here’s the really amazing thing: I am more flexible, leaner, and stronger than I have ever been before.

I won’t list all the programs… I’ll just say, if Beachbody produced it, I’ve probably done it.

I do the workouts, follow the training plan, in the comfort and privacy of my own home, on my own schedule. Then the magic happens online. I share my journey in what’s known as a challenge group, which is a private group on Facebook. There, I lead other moms just like me through these programs. They do the workouts in their homes, on their schedules, but we come together daily to share how we’re doing. Some days we vent, “That was SO hard.” Other days we celebrate, “Nailed it! And lost two pounds this week!” We share recipes, ideas, and accountability, and all support one another without judgment and with tons of love and humor.

But wait. There’s more.

Recently my 12-year-old, whose chosen sports as of now are running and soccer, has decided he would like to complete the Indianapolis 500 Festival Mini Marathon this coming May. If you’re not from Indy, you may not be familiar with The Mini, as we call it. But those in Indy know it to be an important part of our city’s culture, and even an important part of the history and culture of Indiana. It was my first half marathon, and I’ve run it every single May from high school until three years ago, taking off only those years when I was pregnant or had just had a baby. So, when my son said he wanted to run it, my first instinct was: “I want to be there with him the first time he runs it.”

I recently began running again to train to run The Mini with my son. I retired over three years ago because I was tired of being injured. Since then it’s been almost exclusively Beachbody programs. What is amazing…. I am running strong, able to hang with my 12-year-old, who is one of the top runners in his middle school and recently went to Nationals for Junior Olympics Cross Country, and so far, my legs feel great with no sign of injury (knock on wood).

I am constantly amazed at our bodies. I am one who loves fitness, yes. But here’s the thing about fitness: you have absolutely no idea how strong you are. I don’t think most of us will ever push ourselves hard enough to realize that. But I do know that I am not backing down. I’m not letting “getting older” be my excuse for slowing down. If I can push, and it feels great, and it keeps my heart healthy and my lungs strong, and my clothes fitting, well, I’m going to.

My dream is that other moms will realize that they are far stronger than they have ever realized, and enjoy all the rewards of good health and fitness: confidence, empowerment, and yep, clothes fitting well. I love to use my counseling background to help moms figure out what’s got them stuck and unable to achieve their goals, and set them on a path to enjoying great health and feeling amazing. And I love to bring together moms from all over the country, in our little corner of Facebook-land, getting to know one another as we share our journey, trying to balance the demands of our busy lives as moms and wives while still pursuing great health.

I truly encourage you to check out Cori’s site and sign up for her newsletter. She’s of course also available on FaceBook and I know she would welcome new members to her private groups.

Fitness is truly about finding what works for you. If you haven’t found the ‘right fit’ yet, drop me a line. Let’s talk about your goals and what type of program would work best for you. Just because personal training might not be the right path for you doesn’t mean I don’t want to help lead you to better health.

A New Kind of Healthy Happy Hour

I haven’t always worked as a trainer and group fitness instructor. I too have spent my time sitting at a desk, attending long meetings, and multitasking on projects. Many days I left work feeling stressed and knew I needed a release from that feeling before taking on the tasks of being a wife and mom. Working out became a great option for me to reset from my day.

With the new year upon us I am excited to announce that CustomFit is now offering 5:30pm classes Monday – Thursday. Unlike our BootCamp classes our Happy Hour classes will be more of a traditional group fitness class and be instructor-led.

To offer a well-balanced exercise routine each day will have a different focus:

Monday: 20/20/20 – a combination of cardio, strength and core work will help you start your week with balance and harmony.

Tuesday: Tone It Up – strength training is an important aspect of every exercise program. This class will focus on toning muscles and building strength.

Wednesday: Move It! – there is nothing like a good sweat to work out the stress of the day. A combination of kickboxing, low and high-impact aerobics, and intervals will get your heart pumping and help you to shed both stress and unwanted fat.

Thursday: Recover – we all want to head into the weekend feeling relaxed. This class will use both Pilates and Yoga moves to help you increase strength and flexibility all while helping you wind down from a hectic week.

If the 5:30pm time slot doesn’t work for you, we also offer 7pm BootCamp classes, as well as a PiYo class Mondays – Thursdays. BootCamp is designed to give you a full body workout by moving through circuits and interval training. PiYo (Wednesdays at 7:00pm) is a high-intensity Pilates Yoga Fusion class that is sure to make you sweat!

For more information on any of the CustomFit classes drop me an email or call/text 574-387-1344. Let us help you get ‘ripped’ in 2015.

Happy Hour Class Schedule

Choose a Healthy Happy Hour in 2015