Four Factors You Need To Have For A New You This New Year

The New Year is upon us and along with that brings many resolutions for a healthier life. For some that means changes in diet, for others that means quitting smoking or drinking less, for others it’s a gym membership – or any combination of all of these things.

To successfully make these changes there are a few things that are important to understand:


Ready for a new you in 2015?

Change Doesn’t Happen Overnight

It’s easy to be discouraged by not seeing immediate results or having a setback. But those things don’t have to define your journey. Take each day for what it is, celebrate the victories and see the defeats as learning opportunities.

The fact that you are recognizing it is a ‘setback’ means you have the heart for change. If you have a bad day and you could care less, you might not be willing to put in the work to make long-term changes.

Find What Works for You

We’ve all seen the infomercials and the ads for diets and workout programs that promise spectacular results. Now I will reserve my opinion about the before and after photos because the point I want to make here is that living a healthy lifestyle isn’t a one size fits all. Granted, there are components that are similar – a healthy diet, physical exercise and spiritual wellness, however, each of us has to discover how to make sustainable changes that are meaningful to us.

For instance, one year I decided that eating a healthy diet meant cutting out animal protein, of which I also imposed on my husband. Daily he became weaker and weaker and we ultimately determined, being a vegetarian wasn’t a positive change for him. Now for others, by substituting animal proteins with other forms, dropping meat isn’t a big deal and greatly helps in their quest for a healthy diet.

The same goes for physical and spiritual health – we need to find the right fit for us and not worry about how effective solutions are for others.

Set a Schedule and Stop Making Excuses

Success is largely dependent on your ability to plan. For instance, if you know that waiting to exercise until after work will result on your child tugging at your pant leg asking you not to go because they want to read a book, make a commitment to get up early or go at lunch. For any parent it is hard to walk away from a child who needs you so remove the challenge.

Plan your shopping trips. Don’t wait until there is nothing healthy to eat to hit the store, believe me your temptation foods will never look so good against fresh produce. Decide what your menu is and prep ahead of time as much as possible. I often chop up fresh veggies and clean fruit immediately after returning from the store so it is just as quick to grab a healthy snack as it is to grab a handful of chips.

Establish a Support System

You will need encouragement, especially on the bad days. Take the time to talk with your family and friends about your goals and how important they are to you. Those that love you want nothing but the best for you so they will do anything they can to help build you up to succeed. This also ensures that you have someone to talk to when you feel discouraged. If they already understand the importance of your goals, they will easily understand the hurt and frustration you are feeling when you feel like you aren’t making progress.

If weight loss and exercise are part of your new goals for 2015, drop me a line or text me at 574-387-1344. Let’s talk about writing up some short and long term goals that will help you obtain the healthy lifestyle you are striving for. Between personal training, group fitness and nutritional guidance, I’m confident that we can create a plan in 2015 to help you achieve the new you.

New Classes for Your New Years Resolutions

The New Year is just around the corner and many people will be making resolutions to get fit and eat better.

I’m excited to announce that starting Monday, January 5th CustomFit will be offering a 5:30 pm class Monday – Thursday (with exception to the last Monday of the month).


I can help you reach your fitness goals!

Each day will offer a different focus to offer you a well-rounded workout:

Monday: 20/20/20 – 20 min cardio, 20 min strength training, 20 min core

Tuesday: Tone it Up! – Build muscle and trim fat with 60 minutes of strength training

Wednesday: Move It! – Cardio-based exercises that will get your heart thumping and help you burn fat

Thursday: Recover – Pilates/Yoga Fusion class designed to stretch and strengthen your muscles

If you’ve never been to CustomFit your first class is FREE and we have several pricing options for monthly memberships based on the number of classes you will take each week including BootCamp and PiYo.

Drop me an email or text (574-387-1344) for more information or to pre-register for a class.

Healthy New Years Resolutions

new years resolution

With Christmas just 9 days away and New Years just 15 days away, the thoughts of New Years resolutions will likely be hot topics of conversation. There is something about a new year that inspires people to make change, just like most new diets begin on Mondays.

In 2012 Time Magazine released a list of the 10 Most Commonly Broken New Year’s Resolutions. It’s not a surprise among the list of ten include:

  • Lose Weight and Get Fit
  • Eat Healthier and Diet
  • Be Less Stressed

However, what is more interesting are the results of New Years Resolutions as published by University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology in January of 2014. According to their study only 8% of people actually follow through and succeed on their resolutions. Only 8%!?

Seems like a pretty discouraging statistic, right? But I don’t think it has to be, I think the reason people fail to follow through is that they have failed to create a plan. So as you begin to think about your New Years Resolutions for 2015, consider the following:

You Need SMART Goals

Each of the failed resolutions listed above are entirely too general. For instance, instead of lose weight, determine how much you want to lose in a certain amount of time. Then, how are you going to accomplish the weight loss? Are you going to start weight watchers? Are you going to use a free calorie tracker? Are you going to give up soda? You have to determine specific steps you will take to ‘lose weight.’ Without a goal and a plan you aren’t committed to actually making the change.

You Need Accountability

I’ve written on willpower in the past – at some point the temptations will become greater than our ability to resist. When we connect with someone, whether it be a friend, a family member, a personal trainer or group fitness instructor, etc. you become accountable for doing what you said you are going to do. An accountability partner should not only be invested in you but also in achieving the same types of goals. Let’s say your goal is to ‘get fit.’ One of the best accountability partners you can find is someone who already enjoys exercise. Pairing up with someone who also is good at finding excuses for skipping the gym likely isn’t the best choice for achieving your goal.

You Need Expertise

Stop spending money on the latest fad diet book or workout DVDs and connect with a professional in your area. Think about it, why are we willing to spend hundreds of dollars for an ‘at-home’ solution when none of the past solutions have been effective? Instead, invest some time and money to partner with a personal trainer or nutritionist that can give you practical advice and support. Having a one-on-one relationship with a professional is going to help to support your unique needs and goals – no book or DVD is a one size fits all, which is why they aren’t effective in helping you succeed.

If you need help defining your New Years resolutions this year, drop me a line. I’d be happy to take some time to help you create a plan that not only meets your needs, but that you can successfully accomplish.